那天台上, 我是笑臉, 還是僵著的臉?
老爺說: 還好啦!
我想: 這是什麼答案啊!
我想: 那天, 他是我的家長.
他一定深怕我 忘詞杵在台上.
所以, 他一再叮嚀:
所以, 他根本搞不清楚, 我是如何的一張臉.
不過, 老爺說:
那天, 人家笑, 他也就跟著大家一起笑.
總之, 雖然緊張 他還能傻笑就是啦.
但是, 怎麼會被誇獎了一個星期?
麗珍說剛來加拿大時, 住在本那比.
沒事就當義工去, 改改小朋友作文.
每個孩子的東西你都要給wonderful, perfect, excellent 之類的評語,
他就給個Not so good,
結果, 他的房東十分驚惶, 說: 不行! 不行! 這樣太傷孩子的心啦!
所以, 你就知道西方孩子, 個個信心十足的原因啦.
我的講稿如下, 請多多指教:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
I am Hefung, one of Ian’s students. Since my English is not as good as all my classmates, and I often mix he with she, guess why I am here? I think that’s because I am talkative, so Ian planned to give me this big chance to show off and to share my ESL experience.
First of all, I wanted to share a story that happened last year. My friend Patience asked me to write a reference for her, because she wanted to be a third-year student in UBC. Since I had attended our ESL class for quite a few years, I said yes. Then within a very short time she got the permission and she was so happy to call me to say thank you to me. Even though 100% of that was her own effort to make it; however I was so happy and so confident to write something for her in English.
I write and I read in English, because Ian has given us so many handouts of current events. Owing to this kind of inspiration, after class I like to study some other topics and I write down my own opinions and post them on my blog. So far there is nothing about Angelina and Jeniffer and Brad. There are: Olympics and homelessness, Olympics and Richmond’s MRI, Olympic dream or nightmare, etc.
I read, I write, and moreover I joined the Richmond Lapidary and Silversmith workshop. It is really an awesome workshop. It is filled with scary Caucasians, because they all speak English and they speak English quite well. So you know now I am such a brave student, after the ESL training.
Can you believe the first day I came to my ESL class I just wanted to duck my way to the place where nobody could see me. However because my classmates’ friendship and my teachers’ help, I kept on attending ESL Bible study, ESL culture in contact, and ESL class. Today even though I still stutter sometimes when I speak in English, I have become more confident and, especially under Ian’s influence, now, I have become a little bit arrogant.
I want to say Thank you to my classmates for your friendship. I want to say thank you to Salma, to Carol, and to Joyce for your help; and to Ruthi, you corrected many pieces of my writings because Ian’s eyes are not as good as yours and maybe he needs to look for his glasses, To Bruce, to Klaus, to Neil you give us the happy break time.
And thank you Ian for your big heart to endure my teasing. And thank you, all Broadmoor people. Thank you.